Friday, April 3, 2009

STPM - Biology's Tips

BIOLOGY(part 1)
1) basic chemistry of cell (less focus), but pay attention to:
a) transport of substances, level of protein, different structure of DNA & RNA, nucleic acid.

less focus on chapter 2,(essay) they may ask you to write a brief account of meristem, parenkema, kolenkema, karenkema, eritrosit, xilem, floem, cambium.

3) IMPORTANT! (essay) control in cell. They may ask:
a) key & lock hypotheses
b) in this speed hypotheses, the definition of co factor, inhibitor, co enzyme.
c) The characteristic of enzyme including- pH, structure, flexibility, concentration.
d) For structure question, Machellis Manston, constant by livable block, Experiment Bender-Aduktum, maltation of starch.
Executioner : Final Countdown to the EnD says:
e) Protein synthesis, transcription, translation
f) (essay) DNA replication & DNA for Wester and Click Model.

4) less focus on photosynthesis , but pay attention to:
a)light cycle, Calvin cycle, hatch-lab pathway.
Executioner : Final Countdown to the EnD says:
5)Study more on this chapter.:
a)(structure) Glikolisis (please memorize the pathway)
b)Creb cycle-label the diagram
-analysis of location where the product being produce e.g NADH, FADH, ATP, GDP
c)electron transport (they’ll provide a diagram)- you need to know:
i) why NADH produce 3ATP, FADH produce 2ATP, the effect of sianide.
d)(essay)- they might ask you about anaerob biosis.

6) Nutrition-th
Executioner : Final Countdown to the EnD says:
6) Nutrition-this chapter unimportant!(got more time baru baca)

7) Gases exchange (Boyle effect, oxygen dissociation curve, breathing cycle)

8.)Control of heartbeat using hormone, sympathetic, and parasympathetic
a)(structure)-changes of pressure & volume in alpha, left atrium , right vesicle, forum & trans location.

9) Homeostasis(less focus)(pay attention to liver, the control of temperature, sugar & water)
-hidofil, mesofil, and calofil.

10) Nervous system-(structure)-the graph of Impulse transmittion.
-(essay)-generation of action potential of akson & neuron.
-explain how action potential is generated along the synapse, neurotransmitter junction.
-sliding filament hypothesis
11)(essay)-the mechanism of peptide & steroid hormone, plant hormone.
-for plant hormone-experiment of auk sin, the effect of plant hormone.

12) Immunity (pay less attention) because it had come out already.

1.DNA- beadle and Tatum experiment
2.Electron transport chain-effect of CO
3.hemoglobin-structure and function
.oxygen dissociation curve -Bohr's effect-explanation and diagram
4.Lactose operon-how it is function
5.Graph -changes in heart pressure-structure
Executioner : Final Countdown to the EnD says:
6.Plants-homeostasis in four type of plant-mesophytes/hydrophyte(how they overcome w/o water)
7hormones in pregnancy, menstrual cycle-hormone function
(states the specifically interaction between hormone)
9.Evolution-Darwin and Lamarck hypothesis comparison
- states 6 proofs of his hypothesis
10.specific example-how organism classified and name in taxonomy
11.(essay)-the mechanism of peptide & steroid hormone, plant hormone.
-for plant hormone-experimnet of auksin, the effect of plant hormone.
12.Immunity (pay less attention) because it had came out.

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